The Hypertronic Pro
Finally a Powerful Radionic Machine Rich with Features to suit those on a budget
Use biological sample to target your patient
Sample can include
Voice recording
Drop of Blood
Photo (including digital)
Create Remedies Directly or Broadcast Frequencies
Create vibrational medicine remedies in the form of drops, pillules, balms or ointments
Broadcast healing directly to the patient anywhere in the world
Electronic Homoeopathy
Create any homoeopathic remedies using radionic rates to any potency
Duplicate any homoeopathic Remedy
Download Radionic Rate References and Create any Radionics Remedy
The Radionics Stick Pad makes this unit suitable for Advanced Radionics Practitioners
Amplify your Will Power using Electronic Psychometry to Assist in the Manifestation of your Dreams and Desires
Photon Sound Beam Integration
Integrate the Hypertronic Pro with the Photon Sound Beam and Broadcast PSB Frequencies to any Patient Worldwide.
Alternatively, send Hypertronic Pro frequencies for inclusion in the PSB plasma tubes, for enhanced therapy.
Connect to your Computer
Connect the Hypertronic Pro to your computer and use Rife Frequency software and Hulda Clarke Frequencies to treat specific ailments. Over 700 presets to select from!